Shopping in the Time of Corona

Anyone else experience serious anxiety just thinking about going to the grocery store? We’re running low on a few things, and I went to bed knowing I’d need to go shopping today. I had grocery-related nightmares. All. Night. Long.

Nothing but broken eggs. Only one package of TP (and it’s open, dirty, missing rolls — and still being fought over). No cooking oil, no flour, no yeast. Masked customers shaming me for not having one (and me trying to fend them off while explaining I can’t sew).

Unmasked customers heckling me for wearing a makeshift one (it appeared out of thin air, y’all). “You know those don’t really help, right?” they say with a smirk.

And then waking up in a sweat and realizing, with horror, that my dream wasn’t far off from the potential reality. I’ll be heading out soon. Cover me.